Saturday, 10 March 2018

Love is magic and some who succeed in turning pure love into relationship are purely lucky. But how many lucky people are able to keep their relationship healthy and long lasting. I too, fell in love, literally, well actually I was getting late for my classes and started running down the steps, my foot slipped. And magically I fell into arms of this great guy I had been eyeing for some time. Initially I didn’t realize it was him, all emotion I knew was of being thankful that someone grabbed me before I fell to the ground, which would have been outright humiliating. But then I realized that it was him, though I can talk tough and look snobbish I am basically a very shy person. I blushed the moment I saw him holding me, and the feeling that I was blushing made me blush all the more with embarrassment of having betrayed my inner most feelings in front of him.

I guess this chap Julian knew already that I had been eyeing him for some time, because him smile and body language said it all. Well, these things did not take much time, just a few seconds, and I knew I had to straighten up; though I liked it thoroughly I could not lie down in his arms forever. With formal Thank You and Thank God you were here, etc. we introduced out names, and also told which year of degree college we attended. I found that he was one year my senior and from the looks of complete hatred I got from other girls in college I discovered that he was eye-candy for many.
Shy as I was, I could not get myself to ask for his phone number, one day however, I found this number with his name inside my bag, I had no idea who kept it there. I was not sure whether it was genuinely his number or someone was playing a prank. So I decided to keep quiet and wait. There are supposed to be shocks when in a relationship, I suddenly got the answer why though Julian always looked pleased to see me, why he would not talk to me, well he already had a girl friend. She was sexy and smart and well known to other boys and senior to me. But I hated her because Julian was with her.
Meanwhile, our formal ‘HI’ and ‘Hello’ went on, however, amidst this I noticed that other than Julian, his best friend John too, looked genuinely pleased to see me each day. I panicked I did not want any complications, there were enough already. Meanwhile, one day when returning home from college, John caught me up, and asked why I had not called Julian, I was surprised. I asked him ‘So it was you who kept the number in my bag?’, he said’ Of course, I want you two to get together and be together’. I frowned and told him, we were not even on the first step of relationship; in fact the guy whom I was highly infatuated with was dating some other girl.
John didn’t say a word, he just smiled. One day he told me to call up Julian, and talk to him, I talked to him, but it was formal. John assured me Julian’s affair would not last long, because his girl friend had other aspirations. I was the party night, all my friends were dancing, John came to me and requested a dance, obliged, then came Julian, we danced and we enjoyed it together, in fact it was like we belonged together forever.
Maybe this was the precise time for hell to break loose, Julian’s girlfriend came and stood staring at him, he tried to explain we were just dancing; maybe she already had the inkling that there was some spark between us. She was shouting and abusing, meanwhile, I was taken aback and Julian tried everything to stop her, he could not shout the way she was.
Through this mayhem I was thankful John came and stood by my side, suddenly she turned wild and pulled my hair, I really don’t have any idea what got inside me, I broke free and gave her a nice hefty slap and told her to shut up. I told her Julian was mine and she dare not get near to him, unless she wanted another slap.
She seemed shocked and I was too. She passed out of college, so did Julian. He never proposed, I never asked, as if it was pre destined, we got married. We have three children and John still remains my best friend. Julian and I have been through relationship ups and downs, but our marriage comprises of trust and confidence in each other. And I wish to see myself married to Julian till my death day and I still wish John would be with us.
Pearl4life - California

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